Publications 2005

Blows S, Macartney K, Campbell-Lloyd S. Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin: Varicella zoster . NSW Public Health Bulletin 2005;16:204-5. [Full text]

Lawrence G, Boyd I. Supplementary report: surveillance of adverse events following immunisation among children aged less than 7 years in Australia, 1 January to 30 June 2005. Communicable Diseases Intelligence 2005;29:413-6. [Full text]

Welte R, Trotter C, Edmunds J, Postma M, Beutels P. The role of economic evaluation in vaccine decision making: focus on meningococcal C conjugate vaccine. Pharmacoeconomics 2005;23:855-74. [Abstract]

Beutels P. Economic aspects of vaccines and vaccination: global perspective. In: Kaufmann SHE, Lambert PH (eds). The grand challenge for the future: vaccines for poverty-related diseases from bench to field. Basel: Birkhäuser Publishers; 2005. [Abstract]

Gidding HF, Brisson M, MacIntyre CR, Burgess MA. Modelling the impact of vaccination on the epidemiology of varicella zoster virus in Australia. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 2005;29:544-51. [Abstract]

Macartney KK, Beutels P, McIntyre P, Burgess MA. Varicella vaccination in Australia. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health 2005;41:544-52. [Abstract]

McIntyre P. Should dexamethasone be part of routine therapy of bacterial meningitis in industrialised countries? In: Pollard AJ, Finn A (eds). Hot topics in infection and immunity in children II. . Series in: Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 2005;568:189-97. . [Abstract]

Menzies R, Williams K, McIntyre P. Measuring vaccination coverage in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children. In: Jackson Pulver L, McDermott D (eds). Djiadi #1.1 Revised monograph of the inaugural Indigenous Health Research Day. Muru Marri Indigenous Health Unit, Monograph Series. Sydney: University of NSW; 2005. p.73-6.. [Abstract]

Joseph T, Menzies R, McIntyre P. Vaccination of Indigenous adults in the Community Controlled Sector – what is done and what works. In: Jackson Pulver L, McDermott D (eds). Djiadi #1.1 Revised monograph of the inaugural Indigenous Health Research Day. Muru Marri Indigenous Health Unit, Monograph Series. Sydney: University of NSW; 2005. p.69-71. [Abstract]

Wood N, Menzies R, McIntyre P. Epiglottitis in Sydney before and after the introduction of vaccination against Haemophilus influenzae type b disease. Internal Medicine Journal 2005;35:530-5. [Abstract]