Publications 2016

Snelling T, McIntyre P. Modeling the effects of priming with the whole-cell Bordetella pertussis vaccine [letter] . JAMA Pediatrics 2016;170:1228-9. [Letter]

Hendry AJ, Dey A, Beard FH, Khandaker G, Hill R, Macartney KK. Adverse events following immunisation with bacille Calmette-Guérin vaccination: baseline data to inform monitoring in Australia following introduction of new unregistered BCG vaccine. Communicable Diseases Intelligence 2016;40:E470-4. [Full text]

Saadatian-Elahi M, Plotkin S, Mills KH, Halperin SA, McIntyre PB, Picot V, Louis J, Johnson DR. Pertussis: biology, epidemiology and prevention. Vaccine 2016;34:5819-26. [Full text]

Tashani M, Alfelali M, Barasheed O, Alqahtani AS, Heron L, Wong M, Rashid H, Booy R. Effect of Tdap when administered before, with or after the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (coadministered with the quadrivalent meningococcal conjugate vaccine) in adults: a randomised controlled trial. Vaccine 2016;34:5929-37.. [Full text]

Wattiaux AL, Yin JK, Beard F, Wesselingh S, Cowie B, Ward J, Macartney K. Hepatitis B immunization for indigenous adults, Australia. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2016;94:826-34A. [Full text]

Pillsbury A, Chiew M, Bag S, Hope K, Norton S, Conaty S, Sheppeard V, McIntyre P. The changing epidemiology of measles in an era of elimination: lessons from health-care-setting transmissions of measles during an outbreak in New South Wales, Australia, 2012 . Western Pacific Surveillance and Response Journal: WPSAR 2016;7(4):1-9. doi:10.5365/wpsar.2016.7.1.010 . [Full text]

Crawford NW, Hodgson K, Gold M, Buttery J, Wood N. Adverse events following HPV immunization in Australia: establishment of a clinical network. Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics 2016;12:2662-5 . [Full text]

Dey A, Wang H, Quinn HE, Hill R, Macartney K. Surveillance of adverse events following immunisation in Australia annual report, 2014 . Communicable Diseases Intelligence 2016;40:E377-90. [Full text]

Zurynski YA, McRae J, Quinn HE, Wood NJ, Macartney K. Paediatric Active Enhanced Disease Surveillance inaugural annual report, 2014. Communicable Diseases Intelligence 2016;40:E391-400. [Full text]

Hendry A. Australian childhood immunisation coverage, 1 January to 31 December cohort, assessed as at 31 March 2016 [quarterly report]. Communicable Diseases Intelligence 2016;40:E444-5. [Full text]