
Menzies R, McIntyre P. Vaccine preventable diseases and vaccination policy for indigenous populations. Epidemiologic Reviews. 2006;28:71-80. [Full text]

Lawrence G, Boyd I, McIntyre P, Isaacs D. Annual report: surveillance of adverse events following immunisation in Australia, 2005. Communicable Diseases Intelligence 2006;30:319-33.. [Full text]

Booy R, Sengupta N, Bedford H, Elliman D. Measles, mumps, and rubella: prevention. Clinical Evidence 2006;(15):448-68. [Abstract]

Gubbay JB, McIntyre PB, Gilmour RE. Cellulitis in childhood invasive pneumococcal disease: a population-based study. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health 2006;42:354.. [Abstract]

MacIntyre CR. Bird flu: pandemic flu is not just about probability [letter] . BMJ 2006;332:913. [Abstract]

Joseph TL. The implementation and evaluation of a program in Western Sydney to increase uptake of Prevenar™ vaccine in Indigenous babies (orated by Nola Brindell) . Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal 2006;30:22-3. [Abstract]

Cagney M, MacIntyre CR, McIntyre P, Puech M, Giammanco A. The seroepidemiology of pertussis in Australia during an epidemic period. Epidemiology and Infection 2006;134:1208-16. [Abstract]

Hull BP, McIntyre PB. Timeliness of childhood immunisation in Australia. Vaccine 2006;24:4403-8. [Abstract]

Burgess DC, Burgess MA, Leask J. The MMR vaccination and autism controversy in United Kingdom 1998–2005: inevitable community outrage or a failure of risk communication? . Vaccine 2006;24:3921-8. [Abstract]

Heikkinen T, Booy R, Campins M, Finn A, Olcén P, Peltola H, Rodrigo C, Schmitt HJ, Schumacher F, Teo S, Weil-Olivier C. Should healthy children be vaccinated against influenza? A consensus report of the Summits of Independent European Vaccination Experts. European Journal of Pediatrics 2006;165:223-8. [Abstract]