
McIntyre P, Lester R. Chapter 47. Immunisation. In: Yung AP, McDonald MI, Spelman DW, et al (eds). Infectious diseases: a clinical approach. 2nd ed. Melbourne: IP Communications; 2005. [Abstract]

Gidding HF, Backhouse JL, Gilbert GL, Burgess MA. National serosurvey of poliovirus immunity in Australia, 1996–99. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 2005;29:48-52. [Abstract]

Gidding HF. The impact of Australia’s measles control programme over the past decade. Epidemiology and Infection 2005;133:99-105. [Abstract]

Wallace C, Leask J, Trevena LJ. Effects of a web based decision aid on parental attitudes to MMR vaccination: a before and after study. BMJ 2006;332:146-9. [Abstract]

MacIntyre CR, Goebel K, Brown GV. Patient knows best: blinded assessment of nonadherence with antituberculous therapy by physicians, nurses and patients compared with urine drug levels. Preventive Medicine 2005;40:41-5. [Abstract]

Gilbert GL, Gidding HF, Backhouse J, McIntyre PB. Varicella seroprevalence and vaccine uptake in preschool children [letter] . Medical Journal of Australia 2005;182:42. [Abstract]

McIntyre PB, Kelly HA, Mulholland EK. Immunisation at the crossroads: 9th National Immunisation/1st Asia-Pacific Vaccine Preventable Diseases Conference. Conference report. Medical Journal of Australia 2005;182:15-6. [Abstract]

McIntyre P. Vaccination against Haemophilus influenzae type b – the Australian experience. Asian-Oceanian Journal of Pediatrics and Child Health 2004;3:100-103. [Link]

Bos JM, Beutels P, Annemans L, Postma MJ. Valuing prevention through economic evaluation: some considerations regarding the choice of discount model for health effects with focus on infectious diseases. Pharmacoeconomics 2004;22:1171-9. [Abstract]

Brotherton J, McIntyre P, Puech M, Wang H, Gidding H, Hull B, Lawrence G, MacIntyre R, Wood N, Armstrong D. Vaccine preventable diseases and vaccination coverage in Australia, 2001 to 2002. Communicable Diseases Intelligence 2004;28 Suppl 2:i-S116 . [Full text]