How is COVID-19 vaccine safety monitored in Australia

The safety of COVID-19 vaccines is being monitored using both passive and active surveillance in Australia. 

Passive surveillance

The Therapeutic Good Administration (TGA) is responsible for monitoring the safety of all vaccines that are used in Australia. The TGA is closely assessing the safety of COVID-19 vaccines to detect and respond to any safety concerns.

Read more about COVID-19 vaccine safety monitoring and reporting on the TGA website.

Active surveillance

AusVaxSafety is conducting national COVID-19 vaccine safety surveillance in Australia to ensure the ongoing safety. of COVID-19 vaccines in use in Australia and to promote provider and public confidence in the COVID-19 vaccination program. AusVaxSafety publishes COVID-19 vaccine safety data on its website.

Visit AusVaxSafety website to learn more and to access the latest COVID-19 vaccine safety data.


Related pages:

NCIRS COVID-19 vaccines: Frequently asked questions

COVID-19 vaccination program in Australia

Are COVID-19 vaccines safe

Last updated April 2023